Oktavia 1.0 is in progress
Now Oktavia 1.0 is in progress now:
- If Uint32Array and/or WebWorker are available, Oktavia 1.0 use them.
- New code base is made of about 10 npm modules. Each modules are small and tested on
- Python version is under constructing.
- Performance tuning.
- Fix some bugs and API become cleaner (because of __export__ keyword of JSX).
1.0 engine core is stable already. This website starts using 1.0 now (WebUI has some bug including search word highlighting).
Version 0.5 Released

New version 0.5 is released. From this version, version number will be added.
- Web Interface
- Search words highlight (Thank you @r_rudi!).
- Sync index loading
- New logo in the search result page
- Command line tool
- Index Generator’s default output become -t js.
- Search Tool accepts .js and .b64 in addition to .okt.
Add Japanese Document
Hello Japanese guys. Oktavia starts providing Japanese document.
To translate it, I sued Transifex web service and the support tool made by @shimizukawa. Translating tasks become very confortable thanks of these utilities.
Add Supporting Sphinx/Tinkerer/JSDoc3

Oktavia Web interface is appended. It can use as jQuery plug-in. You can use Oktavia to variety of websites flexibly.